Monday, February 16, 2009

Me being me. Applied only for me.

Be yourself. Have an attitude even if "others" think of it as arrogance.

Life is not a bed of roses. You have to sacrifice a part of your enjoyment and indolence in order to achieve and enjoy something. Learn from past, live in the present. Plan for the future. Ponder the consequences before you act. Don’t jump to conclusions. Be calm and unruffled on the surface but paddle with great vigor underneath.

Don’t pay any attention to "others". Their opinion or anything they do is least important. If others dominate or intimidate you, remember that you are "allowing" them to dominate and intimidate you. It’s your problem, not theirs. Don’t choose a path because everyone else is going in it. Act according to your interests and instincts. Set a goal that suits you and work to achieve it. Don’t take any one's opinion about anything. Always be the decision-maker. Be independent. Dependency is abject.

No more role models, biographies and auto-biographies. No talking about great souls and stuff. Just become one yourself. Imagining yourself in the place of some illustrious person is going to get you nowhere. Don’t take up a task because some eminent person has done it and achieved fame. Think whether it interests you or not. Never loose your individuality. Always appreciate the great ones. But no more"follow the footsteps" saga.

Everyone has their own philosophy. Success means different to different people. Think what "success" exactly means to you. And success is what you achieve with what you get. Never complain about anything. Complaining is the prime quality of losers. If you are talented enough you can create your own way towards success. Once you define success in your lexicon understand that you are solely responsible for your success. The same goes for failures. Never blame others for anything.

Always be yourself with everyone. No chameleon stunts. It’s better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. Never shout in anger. Just be silent. Silence always has an effect on people. If you hate or can’t tolerate someone, just remember that nobody is perfect. If you can love yourself in spite of all your faults, how can you hate someone for their minor defects? Never work with intentions to hurt others. Just be down-to-earth and mind your own business. If others underestimate you, don’t bother to correct them. It’s better to be underestimated than to be overestimated. Patience is a virtue which most people lack these days and it will make you unique if you have the right amount.

Never hate or argue with someone because their opinions clash with yours. Everyone has their own opinion. Learn to respect others beliefs and ideas. Listen to them even if you feel that they are wrong. There is something called "freedom of speech and expression"(which is myth these days) remember?Most people don’t understand the meaning of "religion".

No religion has taught to shed blood and hate other religions. There is only one religion and it’s called "HUMANITY".

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